
Friday, 15 July 2016

Winter Learning Journey Day 6: Activity 1

Activity 1: For all Olympic opening and closing ceremonies, the athletes from each country must wear a special uniform. The uniforms change each year. Look at the 3 pictures posted below. They are pictures of the uniforms that our New Zealand Olympic teams wore in 2012, 2008 and 2004. For this activity, you are asked to rank the uniforms from best (#1) to worst (#3). On your blog post your rankings and provide a brief explanation of why you ranked the uniforms in that order.

  1. New Zealand Team Uniform – London Olympics 2012

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2012 NZ Uniform.jpg

  1. New Zealand Team Uniform – Beijing Olympics 2008

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2008 Beijing Olympics uniform.jpg

  1. New Zealand Olympic Team Uniform – Athens Olympics 2004

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Athens Olympics uniform (2004).jpg

  1. #1 I think Number one is the best because it's different from the others.
  2. #3 Number three I like it but it is just a leaf that is white.
  3. #2 Number 2 was the same as number 3 but just white.


  1. Joseph I like the way you explored your words out of your mind to show us you can blog.

  2. Hi Joseph,

    I actually ranked the uniforms in exactly the same order that you did! I like the way that you described why you had rated them and ranked them in the order that you did. It really helps us, as readers, to better understand your thinking. Both Fiapo and I appreciated it that you described things so clearly.

    Well done!

    Keep up the great work :)

    Cheers, Rachel
